Tree of Life: by Laurie Jackson 3/20/2010
In order to enjoy this blog or get anything out of it, you MUST have an imagination. So just close your eyes, no wait! You gotta keep ‘em open to read this. Seriously, you have to picture a very wise older Japanese man. let’s say..? someone just like Mr. Miyagi from the Karate Kid. Got it? Okay.. say this next phrase with a Mr. Miyagi accent: “Tree root in-a winta-time an-a fruit in-a summa-time.” I hope you were able to conjure all that up. Lol ☺
What Mr. Miyagi, said was that Tree’s of all types, only find new roots during the winter season because the nutrients is no longer available from the sun. In the summer time the tree expends all of it’s energy to produce fruit and has plenty of nutrients from the sun. In the winter time trees must dig down deeper to get nutrients for life. Both seasons are very important. If a tree never rooted deeper down into the soil it couldn’t produce more fruit in the summer season. Also a tree becomes more stable and harder to “shake” as it roots down deeper and deeper. When it is freezing outside the trees’ only source of nutrients must come from deep down under the frozen soil because it gets little nutrients from the sun or rain in the winter.
Of course this whole process is phenomenal! We have an amazing creator! We are all spiritual beings and grow physically as well as spiritually. Whether we believe this way or not, your spirit is
Growing. It is amazing how trees and plants can endure incredible hard ship and still grow. I believe people are even more amazing then the tree species. ☺
The point of this blog is to encourage anyone, including myself, during the winter seasons of life. Could it be that when life seems barren, restless and just plain hard, we, as living creations are just like the tree, being prepared for more life giving fruit in our lives?
I believe we need to dig down deeper into our souls and look “harder” for the source of life when life “seems” hard and cold. When a pregnant mother is preparing for her soon coming child she begins to get restless and uncomfortable. If it’s her FIRST child she has NO idea how beautiful and amazing this will be.
“Tree root in-a winta-time an-a fruit in-a summa-time”
We can see the hard days; months or even years as opportunities to believe we will be better, stronger and more life- giving people. To me, these thoughts are filled with truth and wisdom and give the hard-times more purpose to the pain. I love being encouraged by someone who has gone through a difficult issue. I find it even more comforting to be encouraged by a person who has come through some of life’s most difficult circumstances and have more amazing Love and life as a result.
It is so disheartening when someone gives trite words, when I am in the depths of despair. Like “Buck up” or “get over it” There is no wisdom here and certainly no love or compassion. Instead, I am encouraged to move on when a person brings wisdom, insight and love with their words to me.
So I WON’T ever say, “buck up” to anyone. I would look for someone who has been there and truly triumphed. You may not even have to look outside your own self. We’ve all experienced pain and all of us have the source of life in our hearts.
However you choose to root “in-a- winta” season, remember that you have to dig deeper for the source of life and expand your wisdom, love for yourself and others. This will make the rooting process, less confusing, but not necessarily less painful. Think about the kindness and gentleness of a wise, loving and experienced person speaking directly to you. You may come up with some amazing insights that change your entire Life. ☺
I hope you enjoyed reading, “Tree of Life.”
“Tree root in-a winta-time an-a fruit in-a summa-time” ☺
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
Extreme/Balance by: Laurie Jackson 3/15/10
The title? Yes, very much an Oxymoron. My life has felt like an oxymoron just trying to “find” balance. Up and down, jerking myself from one extreme to another. What we “should” eat, how we “should” exercise, what we “should” do or not do, how we "should" live. The list goes on and on. (Don’t “should” on yourself.) I loved that phrase so much, the first time I heard it.
Everyone has an opinion about what you “should” do and some think they have all the answers for your life because they are finding balance in an area. I do this too, “Oh my gosh… you “should,” read this book, it’s sooooo good!” I believe we can test our lives to see if we are balanced. Kinda like looking under the hood of your car. Just looking at some of the basic needs of all human beings on earth, can be a great start for us.
I believe Human beings need to:
1) Love and be loved
2) Have joy and pleasure
3) Move their bodies
4) Enjoy the taste of their food
5) Be and feel creative/productive
6) Be in the sunshine
7) Have confidence to overcome challenges.
I think the best Wisdom I’ve ever read is to AVOID ALL EXTREMES. I can’t say that I’ve lived this at all times, but it keeps coming up and I keep coming back to it. I realize that I loose energy from being dehydrated, so what did I do? I ended up drinking too much water. You can actually drink too much water. This thought never occurred to me because Water is a good thing. What is extreme for one person won’t be extreme for another. It seems vague, but I think each person can look intuitively in their heart and just know what balance is for them selves. If we are honest with ourselves, we can see where we are out of balance.
I’ve always wanted balance and peace in my life. I think you have to want it. Some people don’t want it. Seriously, ask a drug addict. Then ask someone in AA. See what I mean? Each of us know in our heart of hearts what balance is. We know what the truth is. We have to want it. When you really want it, you will find it.
I realize we grow into this and find more and more wisdom on the journey. I think it’s more helpful when someone just loves you along the way and allows you to come to your own senses about these areas of life. It seems so simple but why have I had so much trouble finding balance?
I think I’ve had so much trouble for the most part, because I’ve had a hard time trusting my heart. I’ve doubted myself way too much. I’m certainly not advocating that we can’t all use some great counsel from time to time, but ultimately we only listen to what others say if it agrees with us anyway. It’s good to read and listen outside of our own experiences. This can keep us out of some excessive pain if we are really seeking balance and truth. If not, you just can’t force someone, but most people will let you love them along the way.
As for me, I’m going to try to avoid all extremes and hopefully find more balance in life. ☺
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The title? Yes, very much an Oxymoron. My life has felt like an oxymoron just trying to “find” balance. Up and down, jerking myself from one extreme to another. What we “should” eat, how we “should” exercise, what we “should” do or not do, how we "should" live. The list goes on and on. (Don’t “should” on yourself.) I loved that phrase so much, the first time I heard it.
Everyone has an opinion about what you “should” do and some think they have all the answers for your life because they are finding balance in an area. I do this too, “Oh my gosh… you “should,” read this book, it’s sooooo good!” I believe we can test our lives to see if we are balanced. Kinda like looking under the hood of your car. Just looking at some of the basic needs of all human beings on earth, can be a great start for us.
I believe Human beings need to:
1) Love and be loved
2) Have joy and pleasure
3) Move their bodies
4) Enjoy the taste of their food
5) Be and feel creative/productive
6) Be in the sunshine
7) Have confidence to overcome challenges.
I think the best Wisdom I’ve ever read is to AVOID ALL EXTREMES. I can’t say that I’ve lived this at all times, but it keeps coming up and I keep coming back to it. I realize that I loose energy from being dehydrated, so what did I do? I ended up drinking too much water. You can actually drink too much water. This thought never occurred to me because Water is a good thing. What is extreme for one person won’t be extreme for another. It seems vague, but I think each person can look intuitively in their heart and just know what balance is for them selves. If we are honest with ourselves, we can see where we are out of balance.
I’ve always wanted balance and peace in my life. I think you have to want it. Some people don’t want it. Seriously, ask a drug addict. Then ask someone in AA. See what I mean? Each of us know in our heart of hearts what balance is. We know what the truth is. We have to want it. When you really want it, you will find it.
I realize we grow into this and find more and more wisdom on the journey. I think it’s more helpful when someone just loves you along the way and allows you to come to your own senses about these areas of life. It seems so simple but why have I had so much trouble finding balance?
I think I’ve had so much trouble for the most part, because I’ve had a hard time trusting my heart. I’ve doubted myself way too much. I’m certainly not advocating that we can’t all use some great counsel from time to time, but ultimately we only listen to what others say if it agrees with us anyway. It’s good to read and listen outside of our own experiences. This can keep us out of some excessive pain if we are really seeking balance and truth. If not, you just can’t force someone, but most people will let you love them along the way.
As for me, I’m going to try to avoid all extremes and hopefully find more balance in life. ☺
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Wednesday, March 10, 2010
LIFE FEELS… Laurie Jackson… 3-10-2010
I’m attempting to coin a phrase today and replace the old cliché's from the past, i.e.: the 70’s “Shit happens”, the 80’s “Life goes on” and the 90’s “whatever.” It seems “Life Feels” is appropriate for 2010.
Sometimes Life Feels: hard, frustrating, confusing, exhausting, satisfying, fulfilling, exciting, vibrant, fearful, disappointing, joyful, amazing and just plain beautiful! So I’m blogging to express this new cliché’… “Life Feels” ~
Life runs it’s course and fights for itself.
We can embrace life or choose to fight it. To quote Yoda, from Star Wars “Don’t think, Feel.” You can try and figure it out, go ahead, do what you gotta do. I think it’s a journey that will lead some to find Love, Faith and hope and unfortunately some to only see hopelessness. I’ve spoken to many homeless people and I will never forget a man named Sirus. He surprised me and taught me multitudes over just one meal. I left thinking, “wow, I didn’t know anything”. He seemed to know Love and He told me some amazing stories about helping so many people that he came across as a homeless man.” I was very inspired by Him.
Not only does Life Feel for us, but Life Feels for all those around us. The question’s I have for myself is: “Laurie, as you share in the feelings of others, can you see that there is typically a reason why people feel the way they do? Can you share in their feelings without judging them or even taking their feelings and making them your own? Can you just allow them to Feel Life and not assume they need to be fixed or that you need to fix them?”
I’ve found that Life is not lived in a box. Can we just choose the good feelings and ignore the bad or choose the bad and ignore the good? I know some mentally ill people that try to live Life this way. I know some very hopeless people that try to live this way and I know some very pretentious people that try to live this way.
I’m an Italian, female, musician so Life “Really” Feels… add PMS to that and I’ll let your imagination wander. ☹ ☺ ☹ ☺… etc…
We are not in charge of life itself. We’re not the creator of Life. We can only respond to Life and Life, Just Simply Feels!
How are you Feeling today? ☹ ☺
I’m attempting to coin a phrase today and replace the old cliché's from the past, i.e.: the 70’s “Shit happens”, the 80’s “Life goes on” and the 90’s “whatever.” It seems “Life Feels” is appropriate for 2010.
Sometimes Life Feels: hard, frustrating, confusing, exhausting, satisfying, fulfilling, exciting, vibrant, fearful, disappointing, joyful, amazing and just plain beautiful! So I’m blogging to express this new cliché’… “Life Feels” ~
Life runs it’s course and fights for itself.
We can embrace life or choose to fight it. To quote Yoda, from Star Wars “Don’t think, Feel.” You can try and figure it out, go ahead, do what you gotta do. I think it’s a journey that will lead some to find Love, Faith and hope and unfortunately some to only see hopelessness. I’ve spoken to many homeless people and I will never forget a man named Sirus. He surprised me and taught me multitudes over just one meal. I left thinking, “wow, I didn’t know anything”. He seemed to know Love and He told me some amazing stories about helping so many people that he came across as a homeless man.” I was very inspired by Him.
Not only does Life Feel for us, but Life Feels for all those around us. The question’s I have for myself is: “Laurie, as you share in the feelings of others, can you see that there is typically a reason why people feel the way they do? Can you share in their feelings without judging them or even taking their feelings and making them your own? Can you just allow them to Feel Life and not assume they need to be fixed or that you need to fix them?”
I’ve found that Life is not lived in a box. Can we just choose the good feelings and ignore the bad or choose the bad and ignore the good? I know some mentally ill people that try to live Life this way. I know some very hopeless people that try to live this way and I know some very pretentious people that try to live this way.
I’m an Italian, female, musician so Life “Really” Feels… add PMS to that and I’ll let your imagination wander. ☹ ☺ ☹ ☺… etc…
We are not in charge of life itself. We’re not the creator of Life. We can only respond to Life and Life, Just Simply Feels!
How are you Feeling today? ☹ ☺
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