Heavy thought trips: by Laurie Jackson
In my OWN definition I believe occult type thinking or brainwashing is when a person believes or thinks something based on another person’s conclusions and not based on his or her own personal conclusions. Kind of like, “think for yourself”. I’m not saying not to get information elsewhere or even just decide in yourself to have faith in something. I’m proposing that we need to come to our own personal conclusions about things from our own experiences. Even my faith in God has come from many experiences and not just a one size fits all faith but based on my OWN personal journey.
To me, being of “sound mind” is when my thoughts and opinions are based on my own conclusions that my personal journey in life has brought me to.
I just looked up the word occult and the word brainwashing. Very thought provoking. ☺
I love the science channel. I learn so much from these scientists. I appreciate people who search out and discover things. Some of the scientists “seem” to still be caught up in the rhetoric they have heard and are not thinking for themselves. You can tell the shows that have the scientists that are open minded and not trying to prove anything to you but just show you what they have found or discovered for themselves. These types of cable shows fascinate me and I’ve sat and watched them for hours at a time. ☺ Well, maybe I was bored.
The book of proverbs in the King James Bible says… It is an honor for a King to search out a matter. What does this mean? My OWN interpretation is that the writer is saying…. A highly respected individual is honored to have to work out their own solutions for their own life or, (kingdom). Another proverb popped out (not literally. I was not taking any drugs at the time)… at me a few years ago that said: “He who gets wisdom loves His own soul”. In my OWN opinion of this proverb it meant that when you truly love yourself way down deep you will aspire and desire to improve your self and seek out a sounder mind because you care about you. This is my OWN opinion. So instead of trying to get smart so you can Love yourself you get smarted BECAUSE you value and love yourself.
I love writing down my thoughts because it seems to help me process what I’m learning. This way I don’t need to philosophies with people who really don’t have that bent. ☺ My husband really appreciates this. I have a few people that just LOVE to chat about everything under the sun. This is actually enjoyable for some of us. When I find these people we have some of the most amazing conversations.
I’ve always loved to ask questions. When I get fearful of any given situation my questioning seems to turn into anxious rumination. So this can be the down side to it. There is a good diet for your mind and a bad one, just like our bodies we need balance. There is always a balance to the things you enjoy doing and as I age, I’m finding that my interests in life are expanding and expounding.
I believe I have a creator that made me to think, reason, create and ponder this life He created for Himself and us. I believe the creator, I call Father, loves to have conversations with us. ☺
Thanks for joining me in this life journey…
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
INSTANT ITIMACY. By Laurie Jackosn 4/23/10
INSTANT ITIMACEY: By Laurie Jackson 4/23/2010
Instant intimacy in any relationship is not real or authentic intimacy. It is a fake and somewhat like, prostitution of the soul. When a person tells all about themselves the first time they meet you, be cautious because this person will have issues with setting healthy relationship boundaries and a person who can not set healthy boundaries for themselves will not be able to extend healthy boundaries for others. This is very important in regard to possessing healthy and satisfying relationships.
Yes God knows us perfectly. But we don’t know “Him” perfectly and in any other mere human relationship it would be irrational to presume instant intimacy.
The idea of “Instant Intimacy” and not possessing healthy boundaries is very much promoted when people put a demand on themselves or even others to Trust God immediately about something. To trust anyone is a process. God does not “demand” that we trust Him. He asks us to trust Him and He will invest in the relationship as much or as little as we choose. This idea that we MUST trust God is submerged with the “Instant Intimacy” issue.
We also can’t demand Love. Loving someone comes from relationship. I can love someone that I don’t know based on my own understanding and “experience” in relational Loving. Yet, I cannot demand them to love me and nor would I ever want to. Would you? Having healthy relationships requires at least one person to have realistic boundaries. Typically this issue attracts others that struggle in this same area. Children that are raised in abusive homes generally don’t know how to set healthy boundaries
I’m blogging about this because it is a huge problem and is being promoted in many aspects but the one that seems inappropriate is in your typical church atmosphere. To just tell someone to trust God or even to trust instantly in him/her is based on an unrealistic expectation. This seems to be more prevalent in the Pentecostal arena, that we are to INSTANTLY TRUST GOD. I'm learning about good boundaries right now and these thoughts came to mind.
“Instant intimacy” is not real... its irrational thinking... it is based on fakeness.... Like prostitution is a fantasy. We see this so much in sermons... and the little conversations in bible studies and in the halls of the churches...Just Trust God!!!.... To really trust a person is not instant. It’s based on a real relationship... of course when you get to know God for "reals". You more then likely will trust Him as you progress on the journey. He tends to prove Himself trustworthy. :) ... But there is so much missed if we embrace this “instant intimacy” theology. Real, authentic and healthy relationships take time and a great marriage takes a lifetime ☺
If we don't know how to have healthy boundaries for ourselves we cannot extend healthy boundaries into our relationships. People who don't know they are allowed to have boundaries, or if they feel guilty, fearful and insecure about even suggesting a person has over stepped their boundaries, are most always from the abuse cycle... this is all interrelated... only knowing victimization and not having any other skills will set you up for a lot of relationally challenged living.
Worship sessions in church sometimes can be so intimate and I'm just not sure if NOW is the time to Worship with this kind of intimacy with each other.... We are not that close normally... so why do we get together; spill our guts... and as a worship leader myself... I think about how I was up on the platform being so intimate with God in front of so many people. It seems like I allowed everyone to just watch me get undressed... It is so gross to me now...
If I am stirring you up, more then likely you have these same issues. It is extremely challenging to come to the realization that so much of how you’ve lived has been completely dysfunctional and just wrong. This instant intimacy way unfortunately continues and promotes the dysfunctional, abusive and unhealthy families in our world today.
Thankfully, God can reveal His truth with grace, mercy and strength to re-think our ways and give us courage to change.
Please do comment. It may lead to a great discussion. ☺
Instant intimacy in any relationship is not real or authentic intimacy. It is a fake and somewhat like, prostitution of the soul. When a person tells all about themselves the first time they meet you, be cautious because this person will have issues with setting healthy relationship boundaries and a person who can not set healthy boundaries for themselves will not be able to extend healthy boundaries for others. This is very important in regard to possessing healthy and satisfying relationships.
Yes God knows us perfectly. But we don’t know “Him” perfectly and in any other mere human relationship it would be irrational to presume instant intimacy.
The idea of “Instant Intimacy” and not possessing healthy boundaries is very much promoted when people put a demand on themselves or even others to Trust God immediately about something. To trust anyone is a process. God does not “demand” that we trust Him. He asks us to trust Him and He will invest in the relationship as much or as little as we choose. This idea that we MUST trust God is submerged with the “Instant Intimacy” issue.
We also can’t demand Love. Loving someone comes from relationship. I can love someone that I don’t know based on my own understanding and “experience” in relational Loving. Yet, I cannot demand them to love me and nor would I ever want to. Would you? Having healthy relationships requires at least one person to have realistic boundaries. Typically this issue attracts others that struggle in this same area. Children that are raised in abusive homes generally don’t know how to set healthy boundaries
I’m blogging about this because it is a huge problem and is being promoted in many aspects but the one that seems inappropriate is in your typical church atmosphere. To just tell someone to trust God or even to trust instantly in him/her is based on an unrealistic expectation. This seems to be more prevalent in the Pentecostal arena, that we are to INSTANTLY TRUST GOD. I'm learning about good boundaries right now and these thoughts came to mind.
“Instant intimacy” is not real... its irrational thinking... it is based on fakeness.... Like prostitution is a fantasy. We see this so much in sermons... and the little conversations in bible studies and in the halls of the churches...Just Trust God!!!.... To really trust a person is not instant. It’s based on a real relationship... of course when you get to know God for "reals". You more then likely will trust Him as you progress on the journey. He tends to prove Himself trustworthy. :) ... But there is so much missed if we embrace this “instant intimacy” theology. Real, authentic and healthy relationships take time and a great marriage takes a lifetime ☺
If we don't know how to have healthy boundaries for ourselves we cannot extend healthy boundaries into our relationships. People who don't know they are allowed to have boundaries, or if they feel guilty, fearful and insecure about even suggesting a person has over stepped their boundaries, are most always from the abuse cycle... this is all interrelated... only knowing victimization and not having any other skills will set you up for a lot of relationally challenged living.
Worship sessions in church sometimes can be so intimate and I'm just not sure if NOW is the time to Worship with this kind of intimacy with each other.... We are not that close normally... so why do we get together; spill our guts... and as a worship leader myself... I think about how I was up on the platform being so intimate with God in front of so many people. It seems like I allowed everyone to just watch me get undressed... It is so gross to me now...
If I am stirring you up, more then likely you have these same issues. It is extremely challenging to come to the realization that so much of how you’ve lived has been completely dysfunctional and just wrong. This instant intimacy way unfortunately continues and promotes the dysfunctional, abusive and unhealthy families in our world today.
Thankfully, God can reveal His truth with grace, mercy and strength to re-think our ways and give us courage to change.
Please do comment. It may lead to a great discussion. ☺
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Seek and We will Find....
Seek and you will find: by Laurie Jackson 4/11/2010
Have you ever tried to figure something out and worked really hard at it and then,…bada bing, bada boom… YOU GOT IT! A puzzle, your cheap furniture item that you got from Wal-Mart, a brainteaser, sudoko? I’ve watched my husband put so many of those brainteaser puzzles together it’s not even funny. He loves doing them. I even get him these things for stocking-stuffers. He does not reciprocate. He knows I hate those things. But one time I did one because I really wanted to prove to myself that I could! So I decided that I am smart enough and I did! And guess what? I found out it’s really not what I enjoy doing. ☺ But for that particular moment, I wanted to prove to myself that if he could do it, then so could I. Suffice to say. It was a break-through for me. Where there is a will, there is a way. I’ve read that if you seek for Wisdom like your average person would seek after gold or silver then eventually you will indeed find it. It is out there, let’s not give up.
When Christopher Columbus began to believe that the earth was round not many people thought he was right… so what did he do? He tried it! And He did not even fall off the face of the earth… Wow, scary! But He wasn’t blind. He studied and learned and opened his heart and mind. Wisdom is wisdom. It is either true wisdom that “works” or not. God knew the earth was round already. Columbus just figured out what was already true! In spite of what some would say.
Recently I came across some information that just seemed to bring so much of what I’ve been looking for, together. I’ve found bits and pieces of information that fit and make my life much easier to live, but still too much of my life, I’ve lived in frustration and “something” kept telling me that there is more to learn and know. I am not suggesting I’ve figured out life. There is always more to learn and grow in. This is the essence of life, the growth part. I think hopelessness stunts life and growth in the human spirit. We “learn” to be hopeless and helpless.
They did this “terrible” experiment on two groups of rats. One group they would hold under water and only released them when they stopped struggling. The other group was not exposed to this torment. When they released both groups into a pool of water, the group that “learned” helplessness all died. The other group found a way out! ☺ If you love rats this is a terrible experiment, but you must admit there is truth there. If we learned one way, scientists have discovered that it only takes four days to “unlearn” a thing. Some of the things that used to frustrate me don’t anymore. It is because I’ve learned some wisdom and truth in those areas. We just keep trying and look for something to fit right. “Something” in me just wouldn’t give up. Hope, I think is what we can call it.
I believe so many of us are like Christopher Columbus, we discern that not everyone knows what they are really talking about and we go off to find our own answers… This is the true human spirit: Some one who looks inside them selves for the truth. I’ve read that God has written the truth on our hearts. Hmmmm?
I’m hearing Dr. Phil say, “How’s that work’n for ya?” This is the question I ask myself often. If it’s not working for me then I keep searching. Eating right and exercising really work for me. I feel better, look better, and think better, so things are “better” when I do this.
Keep looking, keep searching for wisdom and we will continue to find it over and over. Don’t give up hope for the better. Where there is hope, there is God and where there is God, there is Love and Wisdom. Don’t give up trying. You never fail until you stop trying. Stay hopeful there is wisdom to find out there. ☺
If you would like to leave a comment: just click on the green “comment” word. ☺ Thanks for reading.
Have you ever tried to figure something out and worked really hard at it and then,…bada bing, bada boom… YOU GOT IT! A puzzle, your cheap furniture item that you got from Wal-Mart, a brainteaser, sudoko? I’ve watched my husband put so many of those brainteaser puzzles together it’s not even funny. He loves doing them. I even get him these things for stocking-stuffers. He does not reciprocate. He knows I hate those things. But one time I did one because I really wanted to prove to myself that I could! So I decided that I am smart enough and I did! And guess what? I found out it’s really not what I enjoy doing. ☺ But for that particular moment, I wanted to prove to myself that if he could do it, then so could I. Suffice to say. It was a break-through for me. Where there is a will, there is a way. I’ve read that if you seek for Wisdom like your average person would seek after gold or silver then eventually you will indeed find it. It is out there, let’s not give up.
When Christopher Columbus began to believe that the earth was round not many people thought he was right… so what did he do? He tried it! And He did not even fall off the face of the earth… Wow, scary! But He wasn’t blind. He studied and learned and opened his heart and mind. Wisdom is wisdom. It is either true wisdom that “works” or not. God knew the earth was round already. Columbus just figured out what was already true! In spite of what some would say.
Recently I came across some information that just seemed to bring so much of what I’ve been looking for, together. I’ve found bits and pieces of information that fit and make my life much easier to live, but still too much of my life, I’ve lived in frustration and “something” kept telling me that there is more to learn and know. I am not suggesting I’ve figured out life. There is always more to learn and grow in. This is the essence of life, the growth part. I think hopelessness stunts life and growth in the human spirit. We “learn” to be hopeless and helpless.
They did this “terrible” experiment on two groups of rats. One group they would hold under water and only released them when they stopped struggling. The other group was not exposed to this torment. When they released both groups into a pool of water, the group that “learned” helplessness all died. The other group found a way out! ☺ If you love rats this is a terrible experiment, but you must admit there is truth there. If we learned one way, scientists have discovered that it only takes four days to “unlearn” a thing. Some of the things that used to frustrate me don’t anymore. It is because I’ve learned some wisdom and truth in those areas. We just keep trying and look for something to fit right. “Something” in me just wouldn’t give up. Hope, I think is what we can call it.
I believe so many of us are like Christopher Columbus, we discern that not everyone knows what they are really talking about and we go off to find our own answers… This is the true human spirit: Some one who looks inside them selves for the truth. I’ve read that God has written the truth on our hearts. Hmmmm?
I’m hearing Dr. Phil say, “How’s that work’n for ya?” This is the question I ask myself often. If it’s not working for me then I keep searching. Eating right and exercising really work for me. I feel better, look better, and think better, so things are “better” when I do this.
Keep looking, keep searching for wisdom and we will continue to find it over and over. Don’t give up hope for the better. Where there is hope, there is God and where there is God, there is Love and Wisdom. Don’t give up trying. You never fail until you stop trying. Stay hopeful there is wisdom to find out there. ☺
If you would like to leave a comment: just click on the green “comment” word. ☺ Thanks for reading.
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