What makes a good sales person?
EVERYONE is selling something. The reason for my epiphany was because I actually “Sell” the work-out I was doing this morning and became all the more “sold” on it and proud that I am part of helping America get fit and healthy! Everyone is selling a product or a service if they are making an income. My first job was delivering newspapers... no wait, it was baby-sitting... Both of them required my services or my “skills.” Then my "skills" grew... so now I could be a hostess for McDonalds! I loved this job because I would be with the little kids and do the Birthday parties in the McDonalds birthday party caboose...the kids were so cute, most of them anyway. I came home from work very fulfilled. I was tired but glad about what I did all day. Then I worked "up" to the cashier at McDonalds. What a difference. One lady called me a very naughty word and I was only 15. The "fries" simply were just no done yet. lol.. Anyway. Then I served as a Piano teacher, but I was working “for” another person at a music store in my hometown. They charged a certain amount for each lesson and would give me half. I was enjoying this until my older sister convinced me that I could make more money "selling shoes." Those days were so much fun and we learned some amazing customer service techniques. As our commission checks grew, we became some of the best shoe sales people around town for Naturalizer shoes. I've had many other jobs after this, various social work positions, business owner, Special Ed teacher asst, and music teacher and even received a little royalty check for some songwriting I’ve done in the past.
Today I am a Health coach and work with a company called Team Beachbody. We sell excellent Health products as well as an amazing Business opportunity. The business opportunity is actually a very new concept known as Multi Level Marketing or Network Marketing and has also been coined as peer-to-peer marketing. I have researched Multi level marketing and I am now convinced that this type of business module is here to stay as well as growing at a fast pace. Because it is a fairly new business concept, many people are skeptical and have some good reasons to be. Anytime something new is created, initially the bugs and quirks must be worked out. Consider the I-pod or newest I-phones. I was skeptical of Network marketing at first because my husband and I had some negative experiences with some sales people in another MLM company. Simply said, we were involved with some really toxic sales people. They didn’t exhibit the qualities listed below. Because a MLM business is typically inexpensive to get involved in, most “anyone” can afford to sign up. Not just “anyone” can succeed at in a MLM especially a type of person that wants something for nothing. The kinds of people who are successful in sales or service of any kind tend to have the qualities listed below.
The stock market used to be a new way to make money many years ago. Today many people invest in stock on a regular basis. I’ve researched MLM companies and have found that it nurtures and rewards the “good” sales people. There have been knock off’s of real MLM’s. These are truly Pyramid schemes. The difference being is that it’s not product driven and you can actually “buy” into your spot. These pop up and are terminated almost immediately. The people on top truly do make more money then anyone below them. They are illegal! A “true” MLM is product driven and you can’t buy into your spot. The people underneath you can easily make more money than you. Corporate America is more of a Pyramid scheme then the MLM business module. The reason is because in your typical corporation the top management must be replaced or die in order for another individual that is “under” them to succeed to a higher position. Another attribute of a true MLM business is that your customer gets to know you on a more personal level. Just like the “old days” when you knew to call Mr. Smith down the street as he made “locks” for your doors. Most people want to buy something from someone they trust and know. This “old” way is becoming the “new” way because people are tired of being manipulated by false advertising and want a “real live” person to give them a deal on what they may need or want. The qualities that make up a good sales person are the same attributes that make up a “good Person.” Toxic people make toxic sales people. I feel like I am doing America a favor as I promote health today while making a living doing it.
My sister and I were great sales people at the little Naturalizer Shoe store and little did I know we possessed these qualities early in life. Indeed, we both made the owners of the company quite glad that we worked for them. To this day I will see the owners of the old Shoe store and they have happy memories from the “honest hard working sisters” that helped make their business profitable. They were great people to work with.
So what makes a good sales person?
1) They are confident with their product. When the person buys a product or service from them they feel good about sending them away with it and know that the product or service will benefit their customer and trust that their customer will enjoy it.
2) They are confident with themselves. They like themselves and this spills over into how they treat their customers. People who like themselves tend to treat others with respect and have a genuine concern for others. They authentically like their customers. They treat their customers well and serve them. They listen and empathize with what they need from their particular service or product. I remember becoming more mature in my sales abilities and could always calm down a “crazy” customer and make them feel cared for or acknowledged. If they didn’t get what they wanted or if I made a mistake, there was a humility I had attained from being in the “service” industry. It was no problem for me to admit a mistake. I would make sure they were always happy when they walked away. The customer may not “always” be right but I want them to leave from my presence feeling genuinely served, helped, like a happy camper.
3) They are always learning more about their product. Successful people research their competitors, know the newest trends and or services people desire to purchase. If they don’t know an answer to a question from a customer, they have enough confidence and honesty to tell their customer they do not know and will check it out for them. A good sales person will walk away from a question that they didn’t know and find out ASAP.
4) Genuinely cares about their customer as an individual. I was recently sold a dining room table and the sales person actually suggested that if I couldn’t afford it then I should wait. I loved that this sales person was not just interested in making a sale but was hearing my concern about me spending over my budget. I ended up buying the table a month later and walked straight in the store asking for the same sales man to help us. Of course I remembered his name. Why, because he was kind and genuinely concerned about me.
5) They truly enjoy and feel good about what they do and how they make money for a living. More confidence!
6) They are not pushy or manipulative because they are secure and "know" they have an excellent product! They realize not everyone will be able to buy something from them and there is always another customer that will and can. They are not desperate to sell and because they have “true” confidence they won’t feel bad or mad at someone who doesn’t buy from them.
7) They know their product “first hand” because they themselves use it. They honestly love their own product or service personally themselves.
8) They are not money hungry or desperate. They work hard but have a balanced life. They are secure in themselves and what they do for a living. They are confident making an honest living doing something that they love to do. They Want your business but won’t sacrifice their integrity to get it. A good sales person is simply a good person at heart!
I love buying from people like this. They tend to be loving, kind and have an ownership to what they are telling or selling you.
I have a lady friend that sells me “hats”. I could go ANYWERE to get hats but I choose to buy from her because she has become a friend and has all of these qualities about her.
When I want to be entertained I go to “Taproot” because they have good service, my brother manages the place and plays the piano there. My brother is an excellent entertainer btw.
Mooses Tooth! Need I say more…. ? The best Pizza in town. And out of town would be in Eagle River at “Pizza Man!”
Rusty, the salesman from saddler’s furniture, told me not to buy if I didn’t have enough money. He not only sold me a nice table but sold me on a good character quality as well.
I am convinced I have some of the best Health products out there. Come visit my website, listen to some testimonials and browse as long as you need. We have cutting edge home workout DVD’s from some of the best trainers and can save you time and money compared to the usual gym membership. We offer free online coaching services when you purchase any of our merchandise as well. Come take a look-see at: www.beachbodycoach.com/ljackson
We offer a nutrient dense, completely organic meal replacement shake called, Shakeolgoy! It speaks for itself, listen to all the testimonials at: www.myshakeology.com/ljackson
We also offer an opportunity in our non-conventional business. If you are looking for other ways to make some extra income or retire early from your job we welcome you to join our Network of coaches as we help millions of people around the world live healthier life styles at: http://www.startcoachingtoday.com/russjackson