Miracles and/Mission Statements: By Laurie Jackson
Apparently, my husband, Russ was looking for his old goals and ran across mine from 2009. I woke up this morning with him smile-ling at me, eager to read something to me. He didn’t even say what it was. As he read, I began thinking to myself, Wow, these must be his goals and I feel like I already have them. He got to the end and one of the last statements was the big give away. He read aloud, “ Help my husband, Russ be able to retire from his job” I knew at that moment these were MY old goals! I got teary eyed and read them again, astounded that every single thing I wrote down two years ago, I actually have on this very day! Wow! It’s biblical, spiritual and mysterious how this works!
Write them down and go a step further then I did two years ago and read them everyday! Mine are now written on my calendar with an alarm and I look at my mission statement daily. Plus I have goals written right on my phone that is with me constantly.
Many years ago I thought this was a narcissistic and vain thing to do. I couldn’t see the love and humility that is wrapped around doing this.
My Daily chores are so much more meaningful now! I have the depth and purpose of my mission statement above it all motivating me to do the menial, mundane and often tedious tasks with passion and even joy at times.
The older I get the more connected I am with who I am and what I was really created for. Don’t delay in defining your mission statement in life, do this today! It will change as you change and as the seasons change in your life. Follow your heart and think about what you would want people to say about you when you die. What you would want written on your Epitaph.
I read a book a few years ago based on a book in the bible called Proverbs. The book was by Steven K. Scott. His book, based on the principals of proverbs, inspired me to write my goals down, yet again a couple of years ago.
I highly recommend his book and here is his site:
Steve Scott’s Vision Mapping Journal shows you how to:
1) Create a list of the most important areas of your life.
2) Define your dreams
3) Break those dreams into goals,
4) Turn goals into steps
5) Change steps into tasks.
here is my You-Tube Vlog that I made today as I was excited about this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3cUZuDNvQA&feature=share
It’s not about the destination but rather about the Journey!
Enjoy your Journey and take one day at a time knowing that you are doing your best every single day.