Sunday, November 11, 2012

Dialogue with God. by Laurie Jackson.

Dialogue with God.

(Maybe I’m 10 yrs old)
Can you believe me Laurie?
Uhmm, maybe?  Can you help me?
Absolutely!  Can you trust me?
I’ll try to?
Smile from God.
I see you kinda, and maybe trust you a little.

(Years go by)
(Teens to 20ish)

Lord are you there, really?
Yes always.
Why the pain?
Silence from God.
Are you real?
Can you believe me?
Yes, will you help me believe you?
Yes always!

(More years pass 20’s…1…2,..3 etc.. )

Lord I need to know if you are really real?
I am!
How do I know for sure?
Keep asking.

(A few more years go by)

No more alcohol for joy and peace I know you are the better source for this!
Yes I am.
I quit…. Where are you?!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m here with you.
Where is joy and peace?!
In me.
How do I get it?
Silence from God….

(A yr or so later..)

Why am I so depressed, discontent and dead inside?
Can you trust me?
Yes, I will.  Will you please give me relief and some joy? I haven’t been drinking I’ve been waiting for you!!!!!!!?
Yes!  Here is a hunger for my truth… read on… I’ll reveal to you my love in Jesus’ life.
Oh my goodness!  I love this.  The bible never was this exciting to me ever!
I’m giving you revelation!
Thank you… so I can’t give myself the revelation?
Hell to the “know”… revelation comes only from me.
You wanted this and your heart was receptive to the true gospel.
Thank you Lord so much for Jesus…. I love Jesus!

(A few more yrs go by..28, 29… etc….)

Where are you Lord, I’m still struggling so much but I know you are good!
Can you trust me more?
Yes… with what?
Will you do something that makes you scared?
Yes!  No wait. That!????? No way… ok…scared.. you’ll help me I know.
(One day goes by)
I can’t do this I need to pass it off!!!!… frantic phone calls… a word aptly spoken from a true sister in Christ….

(I was asked to lead worship for a small group and this freaked me out… insecurity galore!  Very afraid! She said something that challenged my inner spirit “you can’t lead where you are not going.”  This spoke volumes to me and basically said to me that if I would authentically worship God myself as I led with the music that I chose to use for leading the worship sets, then God would give me the ability and strength, little did I know I would find great Joy in His spirit and find a taste of freedom that I’d never known existed.  This went on for over a decade and God taught me much about surrendering to him.  He never forced me, only asked me.)

(around 33 ish… etc… )

Lord, I’m still so restless.  I haven’t touched, needed or wanted alcohol and have only sought you for Joy and peace but I still feel so empty and often scared.  I’m tired.. So tired of being scared.

(A book and word aptly spoken, ”Practicing the Presence of God”)
I began seeking His presence and truth with all my heart.
March 3rd 3:00 in the morning 2002… He touched me with His love it is to this day the most amazing experience I’ve ever had in God!  It’s indescribable other than that I felt his love for me and loved others in a divine way. I continued to seek his touch for years and learned that I must seek His face now and not his hand if I wanted to go further with Him.)

Lord!  Please I need your touch again!  I’ve been ruined by your presence I can’t enjoy normal living. I need your manifest presence again please please please!
(A couple of years later)

Seek my face not my hand.
Ok… show me how..?
(More and more revelation from glory to glory and even some manifestations but never as intense as march 3rd.)
I was becoming familiar with God now and our dialogue changed.

Isn’t that funny Lord?
I hear Him laughing… in the spirit.. can’t explain it.
I just love her Lord.
He speaks insights about her and we enjoy her together.
Help me love this person Lord.
He gives me insights and opportunities to love.
Thank you so much Lord.. I’m so blessed to love and serve her and you.

(A few years of this..My family, friend’s, neighbors, prisoner’s and amazing love!)

The dialogue is less wordy and more feel.
From Glory to Glory

I love to know you Lord.  How lovely is your dwelling place help me to know you more and more.  You are the treasure that I seek.  I trust you with this journey with all the pain and pure delight together.

Can you trust me Laurie?
Yes!  Will you help me?
Absolutely. You know I will!
I know
We both smile at each other.

Three years ago, around 41-ish, He asked me to trust him with something very precious to me, I barely said yes…. I was confused for three years… I learned a lot about myself and Him.  He revealed deep doubts and replaced them with trust.  I would have not said yes had I’d known the loneliness and emptiness that I’d face all over again. The storm has subsided and love and joy seem to be more constant and less like a roller coaster now.
What do you think about that storm Laurie?
I think you protected my loved ones and asked me to give up a cherished friendship.
It will be whole one day.
Yes, I trust you for this Lord.
We both smile! 

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