Saturday, June 15, 2013

Maybe It’s Not What You’re Eating, But What’s Eating You!

Maybe It’s Not What You’re Eating, But What’s Eating You!
Laurie Jackson~6/15/2013

So frequently when we are frustrated with our weight and or our health issues, we fail to look at the deeper and often overlook the root cause of our problem.  We try to over come our weight issues by obsessing even more about what we eat, how much we eat and when we should eat.  There is wisdom as to how to be healthy and it is much deeper then just your fork and spoon.
Usually the reason we have gotten into a trap of unhealthy habits is not simply because of what we are eating, but rather what is eating us!  We almost always have an underlining issue that we are ignoring, unaware of or in denial that we have.
            The best way to approach a better diet is to look at what is not getting satisfied in our lives.  Typically we will over eat to substitute some basic needs that are not being met.  We may try to get others to meet our needs. This will never work and is not the remedy ever!  Usually the next best thing is food!  Here are a few questions we can ask ourselves that may lead us to the way of freedom.
1)   What’s really bothering me?
2)   Do I need help figuring this out? (It’s the emotionally “healthy” people that will seek out counsel)
3)   Do I have the ability to counsel myself? (We often underestimate our own insights about ourselves)
4)   Am I really hungry?
5)   Am I bored?
6)   Am I doing the things that I enjoy?
7)   Am I doing the things that are deeply important to me?
8)   Am I spending time with healthy people?
9)   When I am sabotaging my diet, am I ignoring, running from or denying something?
10)         Am I lying to myself?
11)         Can I hear my inner most thoughts?
12)         What is God telling me?
13)         Do I love myself?
14)         Do I give myself grace?
15)         Do I treat myself kindly?
16)         Do I talk to myself gently?
17)         When I am eating, am I content, happy and peaceful?

These are some simple questions that can help us get our lives back to a stable center.  Usually after doing some basic self-counsel, which we are all more then capable of doing for ourselves, we will come to a place of peace.  We typically can stave off a binge or craving, just by taking a pause and asking ourselves some questions and answering as honest as we can possibly answer.
Another method that also works tremendously well is to write out these questions in a type of dialogue.  If you are a spiritual person, you can write a dialogue between you and God.  You may be amazed at what you think you are writing to yourself, only to realize you just had a divine conversation with the best and wisest counselor that you will ever have!  Plus it’s all free!

I hope this helps.  Enjoy your journey! 

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