Saturday, January 21, 2012

Amazing parallel!

Amazing parallel! By Laurie Jackson 1/21/2012

So do we want bondage or freedom? Do we want the real thing or will we settle for the counterfeit?

I see the young lady with skinny pin legs, barely able to stand as she laboriously climbs the stair master with two sweat shirts, a cinched hood around her head and all I can do is cringe in my heart knowing that I’m watching her commit a slow suicide day after as I observe her upon entering the club each morning.

Similar when I see….

The Religious Zealot ranting about God or Jesus living a laboriously, boring, lifeless life, as fear motivates his every move to do the right thing, live by the law, save souls and hand-out tracks warning others of hell. His heart is full of fear, empty of joy and void of life! He forces himself to read his bible and hates every minute of it.

Romans 1:20 American Standard Version: For the invisible things of him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even his everlasting power and divinity; that they may be without excuse.

Romans 1:20 The Message: By taking a long and thoughtful look at what God has created, people have always been able to see what their eyes as such can’t see: eternal power, for instance, and the mystery of his divine being. So nobody has a good excuse.

So in other words, Gods creation can point us to wisdom and truth that relate to other facets of life’s wisdom and truth.

Today I was overwhelmingly amazed by the Parallel of a life lived by the Spirit and a life lived physically healthy. Spiritual health and physical health have been two areas I’ve searched out for the sake of my own freedom. Having great bondage in both realms helped me relate to the depravation that deception in both of these areas can manifest.

For many years I knew “about” God, sure, I would pray but I barely knew Him and didn’t quite believe He was real. This changed when after much earnest searching for the truth, I was found and touch by the Spirit of the living God. I felt like my whole world changed and all I could say is how real God was. This changed how I read the bible, how I prayed and my entire relationship with God became vibrant, very alive and full of joy!

A similar ramification happened to me when I finally received the truth about my own physical body, after many years of living in deception as an anorexic and believing in every fad diet out there. The information that I had learned little by little over many years that was true, finally turned into a healthy relationship with my body or temple so to speak. The anorexic and the obese person have the same problem. They both have control issues. The anorexic feels out of control and tries very hard to overcompensate for this feeling. The obese person feels out of control only to allow defeat, despair and ultimately surrender their control and give into this feeling. There is a better way. Truth about a thing can help us feel a sense of control. Truth brings freedom always! Knowledge gives us empowerment.

Ten Parallels:
I learned that my body was for me and not against me.
I learned that God loved me and had my best interests in mind.
I learned about Nutrient dense food opposed to empty calories.
I learned that I could hear God directly opposed to empty words on a page.
I learned how to enjoy food and not obsess over calories and just relax.
I learned that The Holy Spirit is doing the work and I can relax now.
I learned that my body wants and indeed enjoys much movement.
I learned that Gods Spirit lives, moves and breathes in me.
I learned that my body was created to run and not grow weary during the day.
I learned that living day after day in the Spirit would fill you with such delight and joy that you can’t contain it.
I learned that there is strength being built when you feel weak after the last set of your weight lifting.
I’m learning that in times of trials, my faith in Gods good character and love for me is getting ever stronger.
I’ve learned that my body needs enough calories each day to thrive and be strong.
I’ve learned that I cannot be joyful and loving without receiving all of this, first from Gods Spirit each day.
I’ve learned what my body needs, wants, craves and thrives on.
I’m learning what my heart and spirit need, want, craves and thrives on.
I’ve learned what I love doing most for exercise, my favorites.
I’ve come to know my hearts desire is Gods presence.

I learned that most American life-styles lived today are not even normal.
I’m learning to inquire with God Himself in regard to my life’s direction and not compare it to other believers.

New Normal’s…

Just has our Creator wants us to really know Him personally we can have a healthy relationship, based on biological, scientific truth with our physical health as well as our spiritual health.

A person that listens to the life giving Spirit of God on a regular basis and indeed has a good, healthy relationship with God has fruit that is full of life, joy, peace, love and maturity.

A truly healthy person is easy to spot too. They look good, have consistent energy and can walk, climb and move without hurting themselves. You won’t see them obsessing about calories or doing the next fad diet. They are strong and enjoy their nutrient dense food. They drink water and don’t need it to be masked with dye or splenda. Most of them do not live in America. ☺

What is normal?

Leave me some more parallels here in the comment section if you have some good ones. It’s so much easier to see the truth when there is an analogy to go with it. I suppose that’s why Jesus taught this way often.

Enjoying the Journey together, Laurie

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