Monday, January 2, 2012

Be True To Yourself. The Truth Sets Us Free.

Be True To Yourself. The Truth Sets Us Free.
10 Easy Things And Only 20 mins To Start, That Can Really Help You! By Laurie Jackson 01/02/2012

The stuff I’m getting ready to write doesn’t come from an amazing successful person with tons of awards, education and achievements that I’ve made. The truth that I’m getting ready to share comes from a lot of soul searching from a wounded individual. Hurt people hurt people, but helped people help people. This is true even if it’s just yourself you are hurting or helping.

For many years I “tried” so hard to apply the things I’m getting ready to share and kept stopping and starting and getting very discouraged that those close to me seemed to be able to keep on keeping on. What the hell is wrong with me? I would cry out to God!

What God kept telling me over and over and over wasn’t what was WRONG with me but rather what was RIGHT with me!

This is the foundation of any positive that comes into a person’s life. Think about it. You get married because you believe a person loves you. You get healthy because you believe you can. You finish college because you believe you could. The list goes on and on. The reverse is also true. I won’t even take time to write it!

The 3 obstacles that kept the 7 next things I’m going to share with you from not happening consistently in my life were:

1) Not really knowing what “I” wanted. Pleasing other people and not living from a place of passion. Being disconnected from the things that gave “ME” joy and satisfaction. The clue? The Truth sets you Free, even the truth about ourselves. I would get very close, but still wasn’t “connected” enough to myself to really define what my individual foundation was. Each year seemed to get more and more clear because God was healing my heart to help me see who He made me to be more clearly and He still has me on this journey.

2) A conflicted soul. The obstacle of “Religion.” This is not about going to church or not, but rather about making rules for yourself apart from the spirit of LIFE! In other words I would read certain verses from my bible and they would seem to conflict with some of the 7 things I will share with you shortly. The Holy Spirit can heal you from religion and rules too. Seek and you will find. The Truth brings freedom!

3) Getting to the end of my own resources helps me every time. Simply asking for help, it requires true humility and a childlike heart. This tends to be a constant revelation I need personally. Someone who knows more then us in an area can easily be of help to us. A person who is successful in the area that you are pursuing is worth more then gold. “I think Humility is receiving Gods wisdom and or correction and then turning back to Him and asking Him for the strength and understanding to apply it.”
Apart from God we can do nothing. Even if you think you are doing stuff without God… uhmmm.? I would have to say it’s His grace right now that allows people to benefit from His ways. Many people that don’t profess Jesus are still able to benefit from applying his wisdom and principals. They may miss out on the relationship part but He is so gracious and loves all people the same. Think about it, if you had two kids and one of them said they hated you and the other one was obeying everything you said, which one would you, love more? Hello?! My point exactly. In fact the one that said they hated me, would be even more on my heart as to WHY they said this. I would secretly pray and seek wisdom as to how to win their hearts back. “Hint, hint”… God ended up leading me to go to the doctor because I kept asking him to help me and I finally humbled myself to someone who knew more then myself. God did help me indeed, through the doctor!

7 Things That Only Take 20 mins To Start Doing!

1) Really Ponder 3 things that matter most to you! Family, Business, Health??? Etc… Write down your three top priorities in life.
2) What do you want said on your Epitaph? What do you want to be remembered for when you die? Now write that down with a few more specifics and call this your life’s mission statement. This should include your top three priorities and should make you feel happy and peaceful at the core of your heart! You can modify this anytime. The more connected to ourselves we are the less our mission statement will change. When you find that your mission statement doesn’t change much, then you know you’ve found yourself. ☺
3) Write down 10 things you would like to accomplish this year. Be specific! Don’t write get healthy but rather, lose 50 pounds. Each goal must have numbers to measure by. Have a successful Business. Nope… make a “number” or write, have 300 more customer’s… numbers. Specifics. Trust me, this works like a charm.
4) Out of the 10 things you want to accomplish this year, write down the main one. The one that will help you with all the other ones on your list of 10 goals. The most significant one! Write down as many things that pertain to this specific goal that will help you achieve it. If its “lose 20 lbs” then write down anything you think that would help you do this. Find gym, buy shoes, and purchase a product from my local Beach body coach! “hint, hint”… Write down as many things that you think pertain to this particular goal on a scratch piece of paper.
5) Now take your “Health” goal. Hopefully it was one of your 10 or even better, one of your top three priorities! Do the same for your Health goal that you just did at #4.
6) Now be honest and reasonable and insert Weekly/Daily tasks that will help you reach these last two goals. There are books you can read that will take you more then 20 mins to help you organize your thoughts and life and do this process more thoroughly but, I’m writing this blog for those of us who are not willing to read an entire book on this subject and need a quick system to help us live our lives more true to ourselves. Two people who I’ve read their books and have helped me tremendously are Steven Scott, The Richest Man Who Ever Lived and Chalene Johnson’s book: “Push.” For those of you who just aren’t there yet, hopefully this little blog will help you at least “focus” and live truer to yourself this year then ever before!
7) Write down “your” definition of success! Put your Mission statement, your definition of success and your 10 goals for this year in your smart phone as well as your daily tasks in your smart phone calendar. The more accessible and visible you have this, the better off you’ll be. Perfectionism is your enemy! Truth sets us free! Grace is the truth and You Never Fail Until You Stop Trying! Keep on Keeping on. Part of my definition of success is to have Love, Joy and Peace in my life! If these are things that are included in your definition refer to #3 from the list of Obstacles that I wrote earlier. ☺

The living enjoy... the thriving inspire others to enjoy and the surviving don't enjoy anything! Psalms 16.
Getting on the Right side of Truth makes the pain of it go away! If the truth hurts, maybe we are on the wrong side of it.?

I hope you found this blog to be helpful, if so join us and please feel free to leave a comment. God Bless Us Everyone. ☺

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