Sunday, April 11, 2010

Seek and We will Find....

Seek and you will find: by Laurie Jackson 4/11/2010

Have you ever tried to figure something out and worked really hard at it and then,…bada bing, bada boom… YOU GOT IT! A puzzle, your cheap furniture item that you got from Wal-Mart, a brainteaser, sudoko? I’ve watched my husband put so many of those brainteaser puzzles together it’s not even funny. He loves doing them. I even get him these things for stocking-stuffers. He does not reciprocate. He knows I hate those things. But one time I did one because I really wanted to prove to myself that I could! So I decided that I am smart enough and I did! And guess what? I found out it’s really not what I enjoy doing. ☺ But for that particular moment, I wanted to prove to myself that if he could do it, then so could I. Suffice to say. It was a break-through for me. Where there is a will, there is a way. I’ve read that if you seek for Wisdom like your average person would seek after gold or silver then eventually you will indeed find it. It is out there, let’s not give up.

When Christopher Columbus began to believe that the earth was round not many people thought he was right… so what did he do? He tried it! And He did not even fall off the face of the earth… Wow, scary! But He wasn’t blind. He studied and learned and opened his heart and mind. Wisdom is wisdom. It is either true wisdom that “works” or not. God knew the earth was round already. Columbus just figured out what was already true! In spite of what some would say.

Recently I came across some information that just seemed to bring so much of what I’ve been looking for, together. I’ve found bits and pieces of information that fit and make my life much easier to live, but still too much of my life, I’ve lived in frustration and “something” kept telling me that there is more to learn and know. I am not suggesting I’ve figured out life. There is always more to learn and grow in. This is the essence of life, the growth part. I think hopelessness stunts life and growth in the human spirit. We “learn” to be hopeless and helpless.

They did this “terrible” experiment on two groups of rats. One group they would hold under water and only released them when they stopped struggling. The other group was not exposed to this torment. When they released both groups into a pool of water, the group that “learned” helplessness all died. The other group found a way out! ☺ If you love rats this is a terrible experiment, but you must admit there is truth there. If we learned one way, scientists have discovered that it only takes four days to “unlearn” a thing. Some of the things that used to frustrate me don’t anymore. It is because I’ve learned some wisdom and truth in those areas. We just keep trying and look for something to fit right. “Something” in me just wouldn’t give up. Hope, I think is what we can call it.

I believe so many of us are like Christopher Columbus, we discern that not everyone knows what they are really talking about and we go off to find our own answers… This is the true human spirit: Some one who looks inside them selves for the truth. I’ve read that God has written the truth on our hearts. Hmmmm?

I’m hearing Dr. Phil say, “How’s that work’n for ya?” This is the question I ask myself often. If it’s not working for me then I keep searching. Eating right and exercising really work for me. I feel better, look better, and think better, so things are “better” when I do this.

Keep looking, keep searching for wisdom and we will continue to find it over and over. Don’t give up hope for the better. Where there is hope, there is God and where there is God, there is Love and Wisdom. Don’t give up trying. You never fail until you stop trying. Stay hopeful there is wisdom to find out there. ☺

If you would like to leave a comment: just click on the green “comment” word. ☺ Thanks for reading.


  1. Yes, Laurie! I just told someone the other day that is feeling restless in their walk with God... I said, " Don't be afraid to ask questions." We are conditioned to never ask questions, and just keep moving. But the problem is we really violate our hearts and the cry of our hearts when we just shut it down like that. Beautiful post!

  2. Thanks so much Amy.. :) I'm so glad people like Columbus and Martin Luther King Jr. etc... asked questions.. I love the infamous Dr. Phil question.. " " :)

  3. "Rats!" Why didn't I think of this....great analogy and good teaching. I am really liking these short, sweet and specific (triple S) blogs! Keep 'em comin'!

  4. True passion; so infectious you inspire by being you.

  5. YES!! You have said much and said it very well. My heart concurs! Hope is powerful and Hope is real...we just need to choose to Believe. I call it living by design instead of default. It's there for each one of us.

  6. Thanks for Sharing Laurie. Loved it.
    I used Joshua's account. It's really me, Vashti....

  7. Thanks for the comments everyone.... thanks Joshti... :)

  8. Such wisdom in what you are saying - I agree!

    I'm not much of a puzzle person either...just one more thing we have in common:) I keep telling myself I need start doing them even if I don't enjoy them brain needs the work:( But...I haven't!!
